Film producer Boney Kapoor reflected on renovating his late wife Sridevi’s family home in Chennai, where rooms once intended for his brother Anil Kapoor and their parents have now been assigned to his daughters Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor. Sridevi died of accidental drowning in 2018, while attending a family wedding with Boney in Dubai.
Speaking to The New Indian, the producer spoke about her family home in Chennai, and said that Janhvi and Khushi didn’t visit the house very often initially. “It’s very close to my heart, and I’ve renovated the whole house to seduce the children to come and stay there more often. When she (Sridevi) passed away, and a year before that, the children weren’t very keen on travelling to Chennai, because they didn’t have friends there, and they’d grown up in Mumbai.”
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Boney said that the house wasn’t used extensively until recently. “Only the living room was used, and our room was used, but the rest of the rooms were locked. When rooms are locked, they get spoiled by moisture, so the entire house had to be redone. The ground floor was fine, but the first floor and guest block had to be renovated. Sri and I had made the guest block back in the day for Anil, Sanjay, our sister, and and our parents. The rooms all there still, but now Khushi and Janhvi have their own space now.”
Boney said that when he visits the Chennai house now, he feels like he’s living with Sridevi. “I have fond memories of time spent with her there, even before marriage, when I was courting her, I recall where I used to sit and look at her. The vibes are still there,” he said.
Last year, in a video for Vogue India, Janhvi gave a tour of the Chennai house for fans. She showed off her bedroom, and added that Sridevi wouldn’t allow her to lock the door because she feared she’d be talking to boys. Janhvi also showed a ‘memorabilia wall’, which had pictures of her parents’ ‘secret wedding’. She said, “This is mom and dad’s marriage photos. I think this was some sort of a secret wedding which is why they seem so stressed. I don’t know if I was supposed to say that,” she said. In the same interview with The New Indian, Boney said that he actually tied the knot with Sridevi in 1996, but they revealed their marriage to the public only in 1997, when she became visibly pregnant.
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